Ch.6 Spreadability (part two)

by 405student

What is “curation”? How does it help independents?

– Selection of text to increase value of “long tail”

-User Curation: grassroots, decentralized ex: independent games, Angry Birds

– Professional Curation: centralized, controlled ex: Apples App Market

What is the Role of the Crowd?

  1. Crowdsourcing: products solicit material from users
  2. Crowdfunding: products solicit money from users ex: Kickstart
  3. Crowdsurfing: producers seek out users likely to spread text
  • Kickstarter people pledge money towards “x” and get stuff in return

How Have Evangelical Christian Communities Use Spreadability?

– Gospel Music: traveling musician selling CD’s

Musicians can make a living even if never is on radio. Play for free at church and then hoping people would buy the CD after.

Tensions Between

– spreading message (free circulation) and making a living (selling musice

– reaching like minded audience and non believers


ex: Avant Garde Artist

What about people whose primary focus is not circulation but content.


– Kent Luetzen